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Facebook confirma noile reclame video din feed news

At this time, videos start playing from:

  • Individuals (personal Facebook accounts or verified Pages)
  • Some Pages, like those of entertainers and sports organizations
  • Summit Entertainment’s content for Divergent

Is there a way to prevent these video ads from playing as they appear on screen?

The video ads will begin to play as you scroll through News Feed, but if you don’t want to watch, you can simply keep scrolling and the video will stop playing. Video ads that start playing when they appear on screen are pre-downloaded when you are on WiFi so they do not consume additional data.

When do videos play with sound?

Videos will not play with sound unless you turn the sound on. To do this, click or tap on the video.

When will all people start seeing videos from brands play as they appear on screen? When will all marketers be able to have videos play as they appear on screen?

This is an initial, limited test. We will let you know if/when the product becomes more widely available.

Will the pricing structure for these types of video ads be similar to the current Page post video offering?

We do not disclose pricing. The goal for this test feature is to be a premium advertising format on Facebook, intended to reach a large audience at specific times.

Eventually, will all promoted videos begin playing as they appear on screen?

This is an initial, limited test. We’ll determine future uses based on what we learn from this test.

How is this feature different from Page post video ads?

This premium feature is specifically designed for awareness campaigns that are meant to reach a large number of people to increase interest in a brand, product or content, in a short amount of time. Page post video ads can then come into play to sustain the message of this initial campaign over longer time periods, in more targeted ways.

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2 comentarii
  1. amzis 18 Dec 2013 @ 11:48

    Daca vor baga videouri in feed voi fi printre primii care voi da delete la cont.

  2. criserb 18 Dec 2013 @ 12:56

    @amzis – Nu doar video-uri, video-uri care o sa ruleze automat, fara ca tu sa le dai play. Totusi, da-mi voie sa nu te cred ca iti stergi contul :)

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